Advisory Board

Our Advisory Board was formed in 2024, and offers invaluable guidance in the direction of the company with the goal of fostering thoughtful, accessible and inclusive storytelling in our productions.

  • Portrait of Benilda smiling outside in the winter

    Benilda Formoso (she/her)

    Benilda's work is healing-centered, focusing on recovery from trauma. As a Registered Social Worker and Psychotherapist, she believes in creating safe spaces for emotions to be felt and explored. She works with people from the inside out, with an approach that is grounded in both science and heart. Benilda's name means "with good intention", and like her name, she sees the good in everyone and genuinely cares for each individual that she works with.

    Music shaped the beginnings of her career, having launched into the professional world as a music teacher and Certified Music Therapist. Benilda transitioned into social work, entering the field of counselling, consulting, and psychotherapy. For almost 10 years she worked as a counsellor and consultant for the City of Ottawa supporting employees and managers in workplace wellness and mental health. She now operates a solo practice integrating EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), polyvagal theory, music and mindful awareness.

  • Portrait of Eliot looking away from the camera, smiling.

    Eliot Newton (they/them)

    Eliot Newton is a white settler and self-described "gender bandit" living on the traditional territories of the Algonquin Anishinaabe. After ten years in the nonprofit sector working on 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion, Eliot now works as a private consultant on queer and trans issues, primarily on accessible health care and changing workplace culture. Eliot’s strongest passion and greatest joy are talking about gender and sexuality outside of health class, and helping people to understand themselves and each other more complexly.

  • Portrait of Narmeen with her hands together looking directly at the camera.

    Narmeen Hashim (she/her)

    Narmeen is an artist, social rights advocate, and geographer living in the Ojai Valley. She has a passion for working towards a more just, equitable world through inspiring creative activation in hearts. She combines her passion for human dignity and global wellness as a geographer by working with others to strategize micro and macro solutions that integrate a knowing of the social and physical world; human community and earth’s capacity.

    She currently works as a Council Facilitator, Co-Director of an Antiracist Education Nonprofit; Seeds of Belonging: Inclusive Early Childhood Spaces, and at Monica Ros School.

  • Black and white portrait of Claudine looking away from the camera.

    Claudine Santos (she/her)

    Claudine Santos possesses a diverse educational background, having pursued studies in England and Kingston, ON at Queen's University. There, she obtained degrees in politics and Spanish literature, along with a certificate in International Studies. Complementing her academic achievements, she also holds a background in Law.

    With a wealth of experience spanning 12 years on Parliament Hill, Claudine initially served as the Director of Parliamentary Affairs to Nunavut Senator Dennis Patterson until his retirement in December. She seamlessly transitioned into the same role for Senator Paul Prosper. Prior to politics, Claudine oversaw corporate training for Prime Pubs, and was a Social Media Manager and Independent Agent in the Canadian Music Industry. Beyond her parliamentary duties, Claudine actively engages in charitable endeavors and entrepreneurship. Claudine is the owner/operator of her consulting firm, Family Industries, and successfully launched a catering company, SarapSisters, in 2022.

    Claudine is a devoted mother to William, her blind child with autism, whom she continuously advocates for in regards to accessibility, support and education. Her multifaceted background, unwavering work ethics and commitment to community underscore her professionalism and dedication.

  • Placeholder for Pauline: pampas grass against a blue sky

    Pauline Mousseau (she/her)

    Pauline is a senior policy analyst and strategic policy advisor in the federal government working in portfolios that are Indigenous focused. She also consults on Indigenous engagement and facilitations with Indigenous communities, leadership and rights holders. Pauline is of mixed Mi’kmaq and French Canadian ancestry from Ottawa and Millbrook First Nations in Nova Scotia.

    In 2013, Pauline was a founding member of the collective Girls+ Skate 613 which was envisioned as a community-minded collective who provide opportunities for people of all ages, identities and abilities to learn to skateboard in an encouraging, inclusive environment.

    Pauline is currently serving on one board of directors in the Ottawa area. Her mixed-background, urban Indigenous experience, and traditional knowledge are an integral part of her life and work.

  • Portrait of Meag smiling against a purple-blue background.

    Meag Isaacs (she/they)

    Meag Isaacs is a digital communications strategist and illustrator with 15 years of private and public sector experience. She lives, works and plays in Odawa, traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg people.

    Meag is interested in the intersections of equity, art and skateboarding. In recent years they have been a guest speaker and lecturer on these topics with CBC, CTV, Creative Mornings and the University of Ottawa. Meag is a founder of Girls+ Skate 613 and the Ottawa Skateboard Association, and is a passionate believer in the power of community to create positive change.

  • Portrait of Liz Raymond wearing a red blazer and smiling at the camera.

    Liz M Raymond (she/her)

    Liz M Raymond is a seasoned advocate for women's economic independence and a trailblazer in the world of finance, particularly within the realm of women-run businesses. With decades of experience in the accounting field, Liz has transitioned from her successful bookkeeping business to becoming a sought-out mentor and coach dedicated to empowering women in business.

    As a mentor and coach, Liz combines her accounting and entrepreneurial expertise with practical wisdom and intuitive guidance, and equips women entrepreneurs with financial literacy, confidence, and the tools needed for growth and success.